Sunday, March 6, 2011

Photos & Poster Art Exhibit Finished - Showing through MARCH!

You now have another month to check out the exhibit!

   Featuring a bio and timeline of the trip and project, translations and explanations of slogans and images, 11x17 in and 8.5x13 in Poster Prints of stencils and street art in San Cristobal De Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, Framed 8x10 Photo Prints of our favorites, and not as impressive, but more portable and cheaper Postcard Prints, all available for viewing and purchase.

Still paying for the project...

  You may have noticed there hasn't been much activity around the actual zine/book, the final product of this project. The main reason for this is that we are still in the phase of paying off the debts we accrued to make the project happen. Some debts were planned, some weren't.
  Thanks to donations, selling prints from the project, and tax returns, we're almost there. Feel free to click the donate button and request a mail-order print along with your donation. also, all our prints are organized and available for you to keep forever via mail for a small fee:
   The goal of this project is to relate the struggles of an Indigenous Peoples Rights & Resistance, and the international community supporting them. This is truly the most important part of the project and are excited to keep moving in that direction!