Friday, September 23, 2011

The 2011 DIY Craft Fair Extravaganza!

Friday, October 14th 2011:
The 2011 DIY Craft Fair Extravaganza!

20+ Tables of sweet, handmade, DIY arts and crafts; everything from buttflaps and bike tube guitar straps to comics and winter gear! And yes, SQUART ZINE will be there with zines, prints from Chiapas, and Stencil prints,  and Black Ship Crafts will be there with Belts, Wallets, Pick Pockets, U-Lock Holsters, Guitar Straps, Punk & Metal Bracelet Cuffs, Earrings, and more...

Check out this link for more info, and vending info:
Craft Fair Mpls FB or email Craft Fair Mpls 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011

SQUART III - Came & went, but its still there...

So I've been sooo busy with wrapping up projects and work, I forgot to mention:

SQUART 3 - May 23rd, 2011 - Gainesville, FL

 A clandestine art gallery - located at SE 4th St. and 10th Ave behind the white block wall. Check it out anytime!

 The event was amazing. At least 50 people came out for the first SQUART opening in Gainesville, and at least 10 artists contributed, including an amazing shadow theatre complete with live music! Much thanks to everyone that contributed.

 Stay tuned: There will be lots more pictures coming soon from the night of the event as well as daytime photos of the space.

Squart Zine #3 will be comprised of pics and interviews from the event, as well as pics and stories from the trip to Mexico! We're shooting for late summer/early fall...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

SQTZN Project Photos and Posters will be on display April 29th!

SQTZN Project Photos and Posters will be on display April 29th!

As well as our thoughts and adventures...

And more art and artists!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Photos & Poster Art Exhibit Finished - Showing through MARCH!

You now have another month to check out the exhibit!

   Featuring a bio and timeline of the trip and project, translations and explanations of slogans and images, 11x17 in and 8.5x13 in Poster Prints of stencils and street art in San Cristobal De Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, Framed 8x10 Photo Prints of our favorites, and not as impressive, but more portable and cheaper Postcard Prints, all available for viewing and purchase.

Still paying for the project...

  You may have noticed there hasn't been much activity around the actual zine/book, the final product of this project. The main reason for this is that we are still in the phase of paying off the debts we accrued to make the project happen. Some debts were planned, some weren't.
  Thanks to donations, selling prints from the project, and tax returns, we're almost there. Feel free to click the donate button and request a mail-order print along with your donation. also, all our prints are organized and available for you to keep forever via mail for a small fee:
   The goal of this project is to relate the struggles of an Indigenous Peoples Rights & Resistance, and the international community supporting them. This is truly the most important part of the project and are excited to keep moving in that direction!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Making Progress...

 the Installation at Karma Cream is almost finished; go check it out! 'Opening' late next week...

Monday, January 24, 2011

New Squartzine Exhibit Going up in Gainesville!

  Even though Jessie is back in her hometown, Pittsburgh, we have the utmost pleasure of being offered to display our photos and posters at Karma Cream; a late night Organic & Vegan Friendly Coffee and Ice Cream shop in the midtown of Gainesville, FL.
  I started setting up Saturday night, then got a cold that's been going around. So I plan on hanging the rest of the stuff hung by Wednesday and having a 'meet (one of) the artists' type hangout in the shop late next week, so keep an eye out for more info!
  Look for framed 8x10s, 8.5x11 posters, BIG 11x17 posters, as well as postcards and 4x6's. Much of the text of the stencils and slogans are in spanish, and there will be translations posted in english for all of the images displayed, as well as a brief description for some of them. In order to make up the large chunk of money we spent to make the trip, document it, and print it out, not even to mention the money we need to publish a zine-book of our work, everything be available to take home with you for a small fee, as well as available on our website for mail order during and even after the exhibit is on display:
  There are also some of my original posters, paintings, and prints up, but they may only be there for a week, check'em out while you can.
  The more people that come out, see the prints, and take stuff home with them, the warmer Jessie will feel while she's snowed in up in Pennsylvania! We love you Jess!
   Thanks so much, -JB